Loading Instruments in Kontakt

IMPORTANT! Our libraries won’t work in the free Kontakt Player. If you don't own it already, you will need to purchase the full retail version of Kontakt to use our products. Learn more about Kontakt Full vs Kontakt Player.

How to Load an Instrument in Kontakt

After installing a new library, the first thing you may want to do is load an instrument in Kontakt! Our libraries are not compatible with the free Kontakt Player, and therefore will not appear in the Libraries tab of the Kontakt side pane (Kontakt 6 & 7), nor will they appear by default in the Library view of Kontakt 7 (more on that below).

  • To load one of the sounds, use the Files tab in the Kontakt browser to navigate to the instruments folder in the location where you installed the library. Or, you can simply drag a .nki file straight from the installation directory directly into the Kontakt rack.

Files tab

Fig. 1 - Load instruments from the Files tab
  • If you ever need a reminder as to where you originally installed a library, you can always navigate to the download location through the Pulse app.

Files tab

Fig. 2 - Open product directory via Pulse


In Kontakt 7, it’s possible to add non-player libraries to the main Kontakt browser using the new user content feature.

User Content

Fig. 3 - Import user content

It's also easy to save your favorite instruments to the Quick-load catalog, which is an under-used but very powerful organizational tool in Kontakt.

If you need more help, please don't hesitate to contact us!